Section 12 - Reimbursement of Expenses
- The effective operation of the Association relies extensively upon the good will of volunteers who give up their time to undertake roles within Full Council, the Associations committees and delivering our charitable aims. Whilst it is not appropriate to recompense individuals for the time they give to the Association, it is appropriate to reimburse them for certain out of pocket expenses incurred in so doing.
Individual Eligibility
- Any member of the Association may make a claim to the Association Treasurer for the reimbursement of certain out of pocket expenses subject to them meeting the criteria set out in this policy.
Scope of Reimbursable Expenses
- The Association will reimburse entitled individuals the following categories of expenses:
- Travel Expenses. The Association will reimburse the following travel expenses to Association members taking part in authorised activities described in para 4 of this policy:
- Mileage Expenses. The Association will reimburse mileage expenses to entitled members at the rate of £0.45 per mile. Journeys must be by the most direct/efficient route9 between the individuals home address and the venue of the qualifying activity.
- Fares. The Association will reimburse Actual Expenditure for standard class travel via public transport, including taxis, for those who do not drive. Any claims for such journeys must be by the most direct/efficient route between the individuals home address and the venue of the qualifying activity.
- Accommodation Expenses. The Association will reimburse Actual Expenditure for overnight accommodation up to a maximum of £130 per night. The Association expects any member who intends to claim accommodation expenses to exercise appropriate judgement when selecting appropriate accommodation.
- Subsistence Expenses. The Association will pay a Per Diem payment of £20 per night when overnight accommodation expenses are also claimed. This is a contribution to the cost associated with dining out.
- Travel Expenses. The Association will reimburse the following travel expenses to Association members taking part in authorised activities described in para 4 of this policy:
- Reimbursement of expenses are only payable when members of the Association are engaged in the following activities:
- Face to Face Meetings of Council. Members of the Association may claim reimbursement of the following expenses when they are required to attend face to face meetings of Council. For the avoidance of doubt, a member is required to attend a meeting only if they:
- Hold a position on Council
- Are a member of Full Council and have been specifically asked to attend a meeting, or are deputising for a member of Council who has given their apologies for the meeting
- Are a member of the Association specifically invited to a meeting by Council
- Face to Face Meetings of Council. Members of the Association may claim reimbursement of the following expenses when they are required to attend face to face meetings of Council. For the avoidance of doubt, a member is required to attend a meeting only if they:
- Travel Expenses. Travel expenses may be claimed by anyone required by Council to represent the Association at any Official Engagement.
- Accommodation Expenses. Accommodation expenses, including subsistence expenses, may be claimed only when the individuals anticipated total travelling time is greater than 5 hours10 .
- Authority to Claim. Authority to claim the above expenses will be recorded in the Calling Notice for such a meeting.
- Representing the Association at Official Engagements. Members of the Association may claim reimbursement of the following expenses when they are required by Council to represent the Association at Official Engagements such as at Shows or meetings with other organisations.
- Travel Expenses. Travel expenses may be claimed by anyone required by Council to represent the Association at any Official Engagement.
- Accommodation Expenses. Accommodation expenses, including subsistence
expenses, may be claimed only when the individuals anticipated total travelling time is
greater than 5 hours11. - Authority to Claim. Authority to claim the above expenses will be recorded
either in the minutes of the meeting where the decision to attend an official
engagement is taken or, in writing (an email is sufficient) from the PRO who has overall
responsibility for tasking and delivering outward engagement on behalf of the
- Travel Expenses. Travel expenses may be claimed by anyone required by Council to represent the Association at any Official Engagement.
- Attending or Delivering NROI Match Official Training. Members of the Association may claim reimbursement of the following expenses when they are either attending or delivering NROI Match Official training seminars:
- Travel Expenses. Travel expenses may be claimed.
- Accommodation Expenses. Accommodation expenses, including Subsistence Expenses, may be claimed. It is recognised that at such seminars, evening work is expected by the candidates both individually and within a group setting. Note that if accommodation has been arranged collectively by the seminar lead for everyone taking part, then only Subsistence Expenses may be claimed by individuals.
- Authority to Claim. Authority to claim the above expenses will be recorded in the Joining Instructions issued by the seminar lead.
- Attending or Delivering Train the Trainer (T3) Seminars. Members of the Association may claim reimbursement of the following expenses when they are either attending or delivering T3 seminars:
- Travel Expenses. Travel expenses may be claimed.
- Accommodation Expenses. Accommodation expenses, including Subsistence Expenses, may be claimed. It is recognised that at such seminars, evening work is expected by the candidates both individually and within a group setting. Note that if accommodation has been arranged collectively by the seminar lead for everyone taking part, then only Subsistence Expenses may be claimed by individuals.
- Authority to Claim. Authority to claim the above expenses will be recorded in the Joining Instructions issued by the seminar lead.
Method of Claim
- Claims should be submitted to the Treasurer by email. A claim form should be completed which must be accompanied by sufficient supporting evidence to validate the expenses claimed eg, copies of overnight accommodation receipts, screenshots of journey planners showing mileage etc.
- The Treasurer will process all claims for reimbursement of expenses and may request any further information from the claimant as they deem appropriate to support payment.
- Anyone submitting a claim for expenses should retain a copy of the claim form and all supporting evidence for a period of 24 months from the date they submit the claim to the Treasurer. This is to permit the audit of such payments should it be required as part of the annual audit of the Associations accounts as required by the Charity Commission for England and Wales
Method of Payment
- All payments will be made to individuals via BACS transfer from the Associations bank accounts. No payments shall be made in cash or any other means.
9 The most direct/efficient route is not necessarily the shortest route. It may for instance be more efficient (in terms of
travelling time) to select a route which is slightly further however makes use of faster roads or avoids city centres etc.
10 The anticipated total travelling time should be calculated as the journey from their home address to the venue by their
chosen means of transport and the subsequent return journey once the activity has finished.
11 The anticipated total travelling time should be calculated as the journey from their home address to the venue by their
chosen means of transport and the subsequent return journey once the activity has finished.
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