Constitution and Byelaws
The purpose of the Associations’ Byelaws is to expand upon the top-level governance of the
UKPSA enshrined within its’ Constitution, and detail process and procedures for the efficient
management and delivery of the Associations business. They are adopted by resolution of Council
who remain the final arbiter of any interpretation or application thereof.
The following is a word for word illustration of the Constitution of the United Kingdom Practical...
The purpose of the Associations’ Byelaws is to expand upon the top-level governance of the UKPSA ...
Section 1 - Structure and Operation of Council
Council Structure. In accordance with Article XI of the Associations’ Constitution, themanagement...
Section 2 - Structure and Operation of the Associations' Executive Commissions
National Range Officer Institute Name. National Range Officer Institute (NROI). Created by. UKP...
Section 3 - UKPSA Internal Disciplinary Procedures
Introduction The sport of Practical Shooting, along with any other pursuits which involve the la...
Section 4 - UKPSA Policy and Procedures for Participation in IPSC competition 'Out of Region'
Introduction The procedure outlined below shall apply in all cases where an UKPSA member wishes ...
Section 5 - UKPSA Policy on Grants to Individuals, Organisations and Loans to UKPSA Instructors
Background One of the ways by which the Association meets its charitable objects as described in...
Section 6 - UKPSA Code of Conduct
Introduction This Code of Conduct describes the attitudes, behaviours and activities expected of...
Section 7 - Social Media and Communications Policy
Introduction This policy describes the standards and behaviours the United Kingdom Practical Sho...
Section 8 - Policy for Individual Membership
Background The UKPSA Constitution describes the overall eligibility of individuals to apply for ...
Section 9 - Policy for Affiliation of Clubs and other Organisations
Background The UKPSA Constitution describes the overall eligibility of individuals and organisat...
Section 10 - Anti Doping Policy
Introduction The Association has adopted the International Practical Shooting Confederation Anti...
Section 11 - Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Introduction The United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association is committed to the principle of ...
Section 12 - Reimbursement of Expenses
Introduction The effective operation of the Association relies extensively upon the good will ...
Section 13 - Interpretations of the Constitution by Council
The following pages record Interpretations of the Constitution made by Council in accordance with...
Section 14 - Policy for claiming under the Associations Revocation Insurance Policy
Introduction In 2021, the Association arranged an additional extension to the insurance cover it...
Section 15 - Unsafe Shooter Policy
Introduction UKPSA competitors wishing to take part in Sanctioned Matches (Level II and above) c...