Be a Match Official
At the heart of our sport are the ‘red shirts’, the UKPSA match officials who help ensure the world-class events we put on for members are built and run safely, to the IPSC rules and the highest standards.
Always on range first and last to leave, delivering the sport in sun and in rain, there is a unique camaraderie that you share as a match official. You will gain a unique insight into IPSC shooting and see first-hand some of the best competitors in action. Last, but not least, you will have many tales to tell and lasting memories of great times on and off the range.
As a qualified UKPSA official your friends and club will benefit from your experience and you will be recognised as someone able to conduct practical shooting safely on any range including as a MOD Range Conducting Officer. Once you have gained more experience you may even work abroad in other IPSC regions (subject to the approval of the UKPSA Regional Director) or join IROA, the international match official organisation.
How do I become a qualified match official?
There are three steps to membership of the National Range Officers Institute (NROI) and to gaining your very own red shirt.
Step 1 – Meet the entry requirements. You must be a UKPSA member, be at least 18 years old, and have passed UKPSA safety training at least 12 months prior to the start date of the level 1 seminar.
You must also as a competitor have earned a minimum of six match points (where level 1 = 1 point, level 2 = 2 points and level 3 = 3 points) at UKPSA registered matches conducted to IPSC/UKPSA rules and have your application supported by a qualified UKPSA match official.
This is to make sure you meet the minimum age required by the UKPSA insurance and know enough about the sport to benefit from the training.
Step 2 – Complete the formal training. You need to pass the NROI level 1 training seminar led by experienced Range Masters who have a wealth of international and national experience and have seen many practical situations where Range Officers need to apply their skills. Passing the seminar requires you to demonstrate the attitude and capability required of an NROI official, as well as a good understanding of the IPSC rules and how to apply them in practical situations. Prior to entering the seminar you need to complete pre-learning which will prepare you for the training. The seminar itself consists of a classroom and range-based weekend with demonstrations, hands-on training and individual assessment.
Step 3 – Gain practical experience. You need to work at a minimum of three supervised UKPSA level 2 or 3 matches (your instructor may require more) where you get to put all you have learnt into practice on the range under the supervision of a qualified NROI official. The disciplines you do as supervised matches will be considered when deciding what you are qualified to officiate.
Once you have successfully completed the three steps you will be considered by the NROI for appointment as a UKPSA range officer in relevant IPSC disciplines which are grouped into short firearms (Handgun/LBP/LBR/Action Air) and long firearms (Shotgun/Rifle/Mini Rifle/Pistol Caliber Carbine).
To maintain your qualification, you need to work at least one level 2 or 3 UKPSA match every year but of course, you’ll want to do more.
If you would like to be added to the waiting list for future seminars email
How do I get recognised in more than one discipline group?
This is really simple. The level 1 seminar covers all the basics for all the disciplines and there are many common rules applied across disciplines in IPSC. All you need to do is to successfully work one match as an official in your new discipline and let the NROI know and we will update your record.
How can my club get more qualified range officers?
Why not host a seminar at your club or a nearby location? The NROI would be happy to arrange a bespoke seminar for your club. We need at least 6 eligible UKPSA members willing to do pre-seminar work online and to attend. You need to provide a classroom facility and a suitable range venue for the whole second day. The seminars are delivered free to members and our affiliated clubs and we can pay some of the expenses for the club and those that attend. To arrange a seminar contact
How do I progress as a match official?
Once you have experience as a range officer you can progress to the role of Chief Range Officer, the official charged with running a large stage or several stages at a national or international match.
To be eligible for promotion to Chief Range Officer you must be:
- a member of the UKPSA and a certified UKPSA Range Officer
- have a minimum of 28 (total accumulated) UKPSA or IPSC match points of which at least 22 are gained at level 2 or 3 UKPSA or IPSC matches
- successful in passing an IROA/UKPSA Level II or UKPSA level III seminar
- recommended in writing by a certified Chief Range Officer or Range Master
Promotion to Chief Range Officer is not automatic and has to be approved by the NROI committee who will assess your knowledge, experience and ability to manage a team/multiple stages before promotion.
If you are interested in promotion to Chief Range Officer or in attending a level II seminar, please contact the NROI at
How do I become a UKPSA Range Master?
The Range Master is the official responsible for safety and the actual delivery to IPSC rules and the highest standard of a UKPSA match to the competitors. You must combine an exceptional knowledge of the rules with the leadership and management skills to motivate and direct a team of match officials. You also must work closely with the Match Director before and during the match to make sure the officials have all the materials and help they need.
Promotion to Range Master is by the UKPSA NROI committee and to be eligible you must be:
- a member of UKPSA and a certified Chief Range Officer (this condition may be waived for very experienced Range Officers at the discretion of the NROI committee)
- have a minimum of 55 (total accumulated) match points on record, of which 41 must have been accumulated in level II or higher IPSC matches.
- successful in completion of the UKPSA Level III seminar
- able to demonstrate relevant leadership and management skills and administrative ability
- recommended in writing by a certified UKPSA or IPSC Range Master
The level III seminar covers match and people management skills, including pre-match planning, crew selection and deployment and match fault finding and analysis. It tests your knowledge and interpretation of the IPSC rules through open book examinations.
If you are interested in promotion to Range Master or in attending a level III seminar, please contact the NROI President to find out more at
I’m a lapsed member of the NROI. How do I get reinstated?
We love to see old NROI members return to our clubs and ranges. Depending on how long they have been away from the line the Institute provides different levels of support and where required training to help you successfully take on the role.
If you have missed one competition season, simply work one match as a supervised official and you will automatically be reinstated to NROI membership with all previously attained ranks and disciplines recognised. The same applies if you have missed two competition seasons but the requirement is to work two matches as a supervised official.
If you have missed three or more competition seasons you need more training and support to get you up to speed. We ask you to work three matches as a supervised official. And to help you update your knowledge you will also be asked to complete an open book online exam on the IPSC rules. When you have done this any previously attained ranks will be retained up to and including the rank of Chief Range Officer. If you have previously been a Range Master you have to successfully complete the level 3 seminar (if not completed in the past) and work at least one supervised match as an Assistant Range Master before the NROI committee will consider you for reinstatement to Range Master.
So why not get a new battery in the timer and get back on the line? To get started contact
How do I work at international IPSC matches?
Want to see the world’s greatest shooters up close and personal and gain a unique insight into our sport, working with a truly international network of friends to deliver IPSCs biggest matches?
If you want to ‘go global’ a great place to start is by working at an international match – you don’t need to be an IROA member to do this – just contact the Match Director.
To find out more about working internationally a good first step is to speak to a current IROA member or contact the NROI President at
Very experienced UKPSA officials can also join the global body that delivers the largest IPSC matches, the International Range Officers Association.
Better known as IROA, the International Range Officers Association is the governing body for international IPSC match officials. If you aspire to work at the largest and most prestigious international matches like the world championships, then membership of IROA is essential.
Don’t forget that to work or compete in another IPSC region you need to have the agreement of our Regional Director before you go – simply fill in the online form.