Section 7 - Social Media and Communications Policy
- This policy describes the standards and behaviours the United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association (the Association) sets for itself and expects of any member or organisation7 which chooses to join, or affiliate to the Association with regard to the use of social media and other forms of digital or print media and communications.
- The UKPSA Council is responsible for the creation and management of the Associations digital and print media in all its forms; with the day-to-day management vested in both the Public Relations Officer and the Media and Communications Officer.
Affiliated Organisations
- Affiliated organisations must:
- Have in place a policy, such as this one, which details how the content of their organisations’ website and/or social media presence, group or other online profile (“organisations’ media output”) is managed within their organisation.
- Carefully consider what they display and share on social media to ensure that their content portrays their participation in IPSC shooting and the sport of Dynamic Marksmanship, the Association and any other involved parties in an unambiguous, positive and appropriate manner.
- Ensure that any digital or print media content created which depicts Dynamic Marksmanship advertised or labelled as IPSC shooting is consistent with the rules of the sport as published by the IPSC or UKPSA8 . Where such media content is not consistent with those rules, it must not be advertised or inferred to be IPSC shooting which is depicted.
- Moderate any inappropriate comments posted by anyone on their organisations’ media output by either removal or other appropriate means of content management.
- Ensure that anyone involved with the management of the organisations’ media output is fully aware of their organisations Social Media and Communications guidelines, this policy and the UKPSA Code of Conduct.
Expectations and Standards
- The Association, individual members and affiliated organisations shall promote the sport of IPSC shooting and Dynamic Marksmanship in an unambiguous, positive and appropriate manner. Anyone involved with the production of any form of digital or print media, particularly those posting 7 such media online, must be alert to the potential harm that inappropriate images, video or commentary could have on public perceptions of the sport.
- The Association, individual members and affiliated organisations shall not support or promote any media content which could be perceived as unsportsmanlike. As a sport which relies upon the lawful use of sporting firearms, everyone involved is expected to always hold themselves to the highest of personal and corporate standards.
- The Association, individual members and affiliated organisations shall not publish or condone any digital or print media content which:
- Uses offensive, insulting, or abusive language regarding others within their own organisation, fellow organisations, the wider shooting community or indeed the general public.
- Depicts acts or behaviour which may be viewed as bullying, intimidating, or harassing towards others within their own organisation, fellow organisations, the wider shooting community or indeed the general public.
- Depicts acts or behaviour which may be viewed as discriminatory on the grounds of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or ethnic background.
- Engages in the public criticism of members of their own organisation, fellow organisations, the wider shooting community or indeed the general public. In particular, the publishing via any means material which may be viewed as defamatory, improper, threatening, abusive, indecent, insulting, offensive or which has the potential to bring the sport into disrepute.
- Depicts acts or behaviour which may be viewed as likely to incite violence in any setting.
- The Association, individual members and affiliated organisations shall not publish by any means any internal communication created by the Association, or its governing council, unless its public release has been authorised in writing by either the Council, the Public Relations Officer, or the Media and Communications Officer. Content created by the Association and posted on its official social media platforms may be freely reposted or linked to by individuals or affiliated organisations.
Use of Brands and Trademarks
- The Association and affiliated organisations shall not use any official brands or trademarks for which they do not have express permission to use in any of their digital or print media content. The use of the IPSC brand is licenced to the Regional Director who sanctions its use by the Association and affiliated organisations in the GB Region. The UKPSA brand is controlled by the UKPSA Council.
- Organisations wishing to use either the IPSC or UKPSA brands in their digital or print media content should obtain permission from either the Public Relations Officer or the Media and Comms officer.
Use of the UKPSA Forum
- The UKPSA maintains a closed community online forum which is intended to be a place where members may recount their experiences, exchange ideas, share information, expand their knowledge and further strengthen the fantastic camaraderie that already exists in our sport. A link to the forum is available from the Associations website.
- Individual members and affiliated organisations shall not copy any content posted within the Associations closed community forum and subsequently publish that content, by any means, unless they have the express permission of the original author of that content to do so.
Guidance for Individuals
- The Association does not seek to regulate individual members personal online presence or social media content unless such content is in breach of this policy or the Associations Code of Conduct. The Association does however suggest that individuals as members of the Association should:
- Carefully consider what they display and share on social media to ensure that their content portrays their participation in IPSC shooting and the sport of Dynamic Marksmanship, the Association and any other involved parties in an unambiguous, positive and appropriate manner. In particular they should be careful to ensure that where they chose to display content which features brands or trademarks they do so in a manner which is unlikely to cause offence to the owners of those brands.
- Moderate any inappropriate comments posted on their IPSC or other shooting sports related content by either removal or other appropriate means of content management.
- Carefully consider any other content they display and share on social media which is unrelated to their involvement with IPSC shooting and the sport of Dynamic Marksmanship which could give rise to concerns over their involvement with the sport.
- Raise any concerns they have with IPSC or other shooting sports related content they view online, or comments on such content, with an Association official.
7 In this policy document, the term organisation is deemed to encompass the organisation, its’ staff and all ordinary members.
8 For Long Barrelled Firearms (pistol or revolver).