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Section 6 - UKPSA Code of Conduct


  1. This Code of Conduct describes the attitudes, behaviours and activities expected of any member or organisation5 which chooses to join or affiliate to the United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association (the Association). It should be read in conjunction with the both the constitution and bye-laws of the Association which are available on our website:
  2. Any member or organisation which chooses to join or affiliate to the Association are expected at all times to support the Objects of the Association as described in its’ constitution, comply with all applicable bye-laws as authorised by the Association’s governing council and specifically:
    1. Ensure that all competitions hosted by the club to which members of the wider Association are invited are conducted in accordance with the applicable competition rules published by the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) or the Association6.
    2. At all times, both adhere to and promote the Anti-Doping policies issued by the Association or the IPSC.
    3. At all times, both adhere to and promote the Association’s Safeguarding Policy.
    4. At all times, both adhere to and promote the Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
    5. At all times, both adhere to and promote the Association’s Code of Practice for Shooting Sports Coaches & Instructors.
    6. At all times, both adhere to and promote the Association’s Social Media Policy.

Attitudes Behaviours and Activities

  1. All members and members of an affiliated organisation, both management and ordinary member alike, are expected to display the attitudes and behaviours that the public would expect of an organisation whose members are entrusted with the lawful possession and use of sporting firearms, specifically:
    1. Members and affiliated organisations should at all times uphold the values and spirit of the sport of IPSC Shooting and Dynamic Marksmanship.
    2. Members and affiliated organisations should at all times act in a manner which will not cause either the sport, their organisation or the Association to be held in disrepute by the public or any other body.
    3. Members and affiliated organisations shall always hold themselves to the highest standards of sportsmanship; they shall both win and lose with dignity and humility.
    4. Members and affiliated organisations shall treat fellow organisations and their members, the wider shooting community, match officials and public at large with respect; regardless of circumstance.
    5. Members and affiliated organisations shall observe and respect the authority of appointed match officials, and their decisions, at all times during competition.
    6. Members and affiliated organisations shall at all times maintain the highest standards of integrity and conduct their affairs accordingly.
  2. Members and members of affiliated organisations, both management and ordinary member alike, shall refrain from:
    1. Using offensive, insulting, or abusive language in their dealings with others within their own organisation, fellow organisations, the wider shooting community or indeed the general public.
    2. Engaging in behaviour, or condone its conduct by others, which may be viewed as bullying, intimidating, or harassing towards others within their own organisation, fellow organisations, the wider shooting community or indeed the general public.
    3. Engaging in behaviour, or condone its conduct by others, which may be viewed as discriminatory on the grounds of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or ethnic background.
    4. Engaging, via any means, in the public criticism of members of their own organisation, fellow organisations, the wider shooting community or indeed the general public. In particular, the publishing via any means material which may be viewed as defamatory, improper, threatening, abusive, indecent, insulting, offensive or which has the potential to bring the Sport into disrepute.
  3. The Association maintains within its’ bye-laws a fair and transparent policy to hold its’ members and affiliated organisations to account should their actions fall short of the standards expected. Any organisation which chooses to affiliate to the Association must within its’ governance documents also enshrine a similarly fair and transparent policy to hold its own staff and members to account.

5 In this policy document, the term organisation is deemed to encompass the organisation, its’ staff and all
ordinary members.
6 Note, this does not prevent the use of non-standard targetry or non-recognised target arrays for individual
practice or internal competition between members of the organisation for the purpose of individual or
collective performance development.