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Section 2 - Structure and Operation of the Associations' Executive Commissions

  1. National Range Officer Institute
    1. Name. National Range Officer Institute (NROI).
    2. Created by. UKPSA Council.
    3. Primary Functions:
      • The provision of advice and opinion to Council regarding the implementation and development of the IPSC rules for each discipline.
      • The provision of highly motivated, well trained Match Officials to facilitate high quality recognised and sanctioned matches within the GB region.
      • The nomination of individuals to join the International Range Officers Association.
    4. Committee Structure. The NROI Chair shall be appointed by the Executive Council on an annual basis following the AGM. The NROI Chair once appointed shall then co-opt no less than 4 members of the Association who are qualified Match Officials. There shall be at least one individual co-opted to the committee from each NROI rank cohort.
    5. Committee Operation. The NROI shall operate as a collective with all decisions made by resolution of the committee. Each member of the committee shall be entitled to vote on any resolution save for the NROI Chair who shall only vote in the event of a tie where they are entitled to cast a deciding vote.
    6. Reporting. The NROI reports directly to the UKPSA Council through the NROI Chair.
  2. NROI Tasks and Responsibilities:
    1. Consultation.
      1. To advise the UKPSA Council on all matters relating to the development and implementation of the IPSC rules for each discipline.
      2. To provide the UKPSA Council with appropriate research, opinions and evidence as may be required.
      3. To provide the IPSC with appropriate research, opinion and evidence from the GB region regarding the development and implementation of the IPSC rules for each discipline as may be required.
      4. To provide UKPSA affiliated organisations with technical and practical assistance to enable them to host safe high-quality matches within their organisation.
      5. To advise the Regional Director on the suitability of NROI members applying for membership of IROA
      6. The provision of 1st party assurance to Council that a ‘safe system of work’ is in place for recognised and sanctioned matches within the GB Region.
    2. Training and Education.
      1. In consultation with the UTC, the development and maintenance of suitable doctrine to support the safe and effective delivery of match official training.
      2. The identification and certification of individuals who are SQEP to deliver match official training.