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Section 2 - Structure and Operation of the Associations' Executive Commissions

  1. National Range Officer Institute
    1. Name. National Range Officer Institute (NROI).
    2. Created by. UKPSA Council.
    3. Primary Functions:
      • The provision of advice and opinion to Council regarding the implementation and development of the IPSC rules for each discipline.
      • The provision of highly motivated, well trained Match Officials to facilitate high quality recognised and sanctioned matches within the GB region.
      • The nomination of individuals to join the International Range Officers Association.
    4. Committee Structure. The NROI ChairPresident shall be appointed by the Executive Council on an annual basis following the AGM. The NROI ChairSecretary shall also be appointed by the Executive Council to assist. The NROI President once appointed shall then co-opt no less than 4 members of the Association who are qualified Match Officials. There shall be at least one individual co-opted to the committee from each NROI rank cohort.
    5. Committee Operation. The NROI shall operate as a collective with all decisions made by resolution of the committee. Each member of the committee shall be entitled to vote on any resolution save for the NROI ChairPresident who shall only vote in the event of a tie where they are entitled to cast a deciding vote. The NROI Secretary would not have a vote in any of the events.
    6. Reporting. The NROI reports directly to the UKPSA Council through the NROI Chair.President and/or Secretary.
  2. NROI Tasks and Responsibilities:
    1. Consultation.
      1. To advise the UKPSA Council on all matters relating to the development and implementation of the IPSC rules for each discipline.
      2. To provide the UKPSA Council with appropriate research, opinions and evidence as may be required.
      3. To provide the IPSC with appropriate research, opinion and evidence from the GB region regarding the development and implementation of the IPSC rules for each discipline as may be required.
      4. To provide UKPSA affiliated organisations with technical and practical assistance to enable them to host safe high-quality matches within their organisation.
      5. To advise the Regional Director on the suitability of NROI members applying for membership of IROA
      6. The provision of 1st party assurance to Council that a ‘safe system of work’ is in place for recognised and sanctioned matches within the GB Region.
    2. Training and Education.
      1. In consultation with the UTC, the development and maintenance of suitable doctrine to support the safe and effective delivery of match official training.
      2. The identification and certification of individuals who are SQEP to deliver match official training.
      3. The identification and incorporation of recognised ‘current best practice’ within UKPSA match official training and education doctrine.
      4. The training and qualification of Association members to become match officials and members of the NROI.
    3. Administration.
      1. The establishment and maintenance of a fair and transparent system for Association members to qualify and progress as a member of the NROI.
      2. The establishment and administration of codes of conduct and standards for the Associations cadre of match officials.
      3. The introduction and management of a fair and just system to hold to account members of the NROI.
      4. The maintenance of current records for the individual qualifications and currencies of members of the Associations cadre of match officials.
      5. The provision of appropriate identification, apparel and equipment to the Associations cadre of match officials as required.
    4. Operations.
      1. The appointment of current and competent Range Masters for all sanctioned matches within the GB region.
      2. The provision of current and competent match officials to support appointed Range Masters for all sanctioned matches within the GB region.
  3. UKPSA Training and Education
    1. Name. UKPSA Training Committee (UTC).
    2. Created by. UKPSA Council
    3. Primary Functions: 
      • Oversight and the delivery of training to Association members, and the public, in the safe use of firearms for recreational and competitive dynamic marksmanship disciplines.
      • The provision of advice and opinion to Council regarding matters of training and education within both the GB Region and others across the IPSC.
      • Oversight of the development and delivery of all training and education delivered by the UKPSA within the GB region.
      • Oversight of the application of any other IPSC training and education policies which affect the GB region which have not been developed by the UKPSA.
    4. Committee Structure. The UTC Chair shall be appointed by the Executive Council on an annual basis following the AGM. The UTC Chair once appointed shall then co-opt no less than 4 members of the Association who are SQEP in the areas such as Short Firearm training, Long Firearm Training, Training Development/Delivery and Range Safety.
    5. Committee Operation. The UTC shall operate as a collective with all decisions made by resolution of the committee. Each member of the committee shall be entitled to vote on any resolution save for the UTC Chair who shall only vote in the event of a tie where they are entitled to cast a deciding vote.
    6. Reporting. The UTC reports directly to the UKPSA Council through the UTC Chair.
  4. UTC Tasks and Responsibilities:
    1. Consultation.
      1. To advise the UKPSA Council on all matters relating to the development and delivery of training and education within the Association.
      2. To provide the UKPSA Council with appropriate research, opinions and evidence as may be required.
      3. To provide the IPSC with appropriate research, opinion and evidence from the GB region regarding training and education as may be required.
      4. To provide UKPSA affiliated organisations with technical and practical assistance to enable them to establish safe and effective systems of training within their organisation.
    2. Training and Education Doctrine.
      1. The development, maintenance and publication of suitable doctrine to support the safe and effective delivery of all training and education within the GB region.
      2. The incorporation of relevant IPSC training and education doctrine within that developed by the UTC where appropriate.
      3. The identification and incorporation of recognised ‘current best practice’ within UKPSA training and education doctrine.
    3. Administration.
      1. The establishment and maintenance of a fair and transparent system for Association members to qualify and progress as a member of the Associations cadre of training personnel.
      2. The establishment and administration of codes of conduct and standards for the Associations cadre of training personnel.
      3. The introduction and management of a fair and just system to hold to account members of the Associations cadre of training personnel.
      4. The maintenance of current records for the individual qualifications and currencies of members of the Associations cadre of training personnel.
      5. The maintenance of current records of all training and education activities delivered by the Associations cadre of training personnel.
      6. The maintenance of current records for all individual qualifications awarded by the Associations cadre of training personnel to Association members.
      7. The provision of appropriate identification, apparel and equipment to the Associations cadre of training personnel as required.
    4. Assurance.
      1. The provision of 1st party assurance to Council that a ‘safe system of training’ is
        maintained within the GB Region.
      2. The provision of 1st party assurance that training and education activities are consistently delivered to the standards set within the Associations training and education doctrine.
      3. The commissioning of 2nd and 3rd party assurance of training and education activities and doctrine as required.
  5. Shooting Discipline Heads of Commission
    1. Name. Head of Handgun/Long Barrelled Firearm/Shotgun/Rifle/Action Air* Commission.
    2. Created by. UKPSA Council.
    3. Primary Functions:
      • To promote their respective discipline to the wider Association membership
      • To represent the views of competitors active within their discipline to Council
      • To monitor the development of their discipline across the IPSC and advise Council accordingly.
    4. Commission Structure. The Head of Commission shall be appointed annually by the Executive Council following the AGM. Each appointed Head of Commission is then empowered to co-opt other members of the Association at their discretion to assist them in meeting their responsibilities.
    5. Reporting. Each Head of Commission reports directly to the UKPSA Council.
  6. Head of Commission Responsibilities:
    1. Consultation.
      1. To advise the UKPSA Council of discipline specific activities and development within the GB region and wider IPSC.
      2. To provide the UKPSA Council with appropriate research, opinion and evidence as may be required to inform how developments within their discipline may impact upon activity within the GB region and Association members.
      3. To provide UKPSA affiliated organisations with technical and practical assistance to enable them to establish and promote the discipline within their organisation.
      4. To provide relevant advice to the RD in support of requests by members of the Association to take part in IPSC competition out of region.
      5. To provide the IPSC with research, opinion and evidence as may be required from the GB region with regard to their discipline.
    2. Operation.
      1. To support and facilitate participation by Association members in both practice and competition of their discipline both within the GB region and beyond.
      2. To provide UKPSA affiliated organisations with technical and practical support to assist them in delivering opportunities for practice and competition within their organisation.
      3. To provide UKPSA affiliated organisations with technical and practical support to host recognised and sanctioned matches for the benefit of their members and those of the Association.
      4. To foster relationships with other organisations within the GB region whose activities are complimentary to their discipline.
      5. To assist the RD in fostering relationships with other IPSC Regions that promote their discipline.
  7. National Squad Directors
    1. Name. Handgun/Shotgun/Rifle/PCC/Mini Rifle/Action Air* National Squad Director (NSD).
    2. Created by. UKPSA Council.
    3. Primary Functions:
      1. To select and train Association members to represent the GB region at Level 4 and Level 5 competition.
      2. To facilitate and manage National Squad participation in Level 4 and Level 5 international competitions.
    4. Structure. The NSD shall be appointed by Council following each Level 5 (World Shoot) competition; their tenure shall then be until the next Level 5 competition. Each appointed NSD is then empowered to co-opt other members of the Association at their discretion to assist them in meeting their responsibilities.
    5. Reporting. Each NSD reports directly to the UKPSA Council.
  8. NSD Responsibilities:
    1. Consultation.
      1. To develop and publish the criteria which Association members must meet to be considered for selection to the National Squad for their discipline.
      2. Develop and publish a fair and transparent system which details how Association members who meet the required criteria are selected for inclusion in the National Squad and any National Team.
      3. The establishment and administration of codes of conduct and standards for the National Squad.
      4. The introduction and management of a fair and just system to hold to account members of the National Squad.
      5. To advise the UKPSA Council on all matters relating to the participation of Regional Teams in IPSC international competitions.
      6. To agree any operating budget with Council prior to committing to any contractual obligations.
      7. To agree any sponsorship arrangements with Council prior to formally entering into any such binding agreements.
    2. Operation.
      1. To facilitate a programme of individual and collective training opportunities for National Squad members.
      2. To select Teams from the ranks of the National Squad who will formally represent the region at Level 4 and Level 5 competitions.
      3. To provide National Squad members, and National Teams when selected, with identification, apparel and equipment as required and authorised by Council.
      4. To ensure the efficient administration and on-site support of any National Team or National Squad member competing in a Level 4 or Level 5 competition.

* Delete as applicable