The following is a word for word illustration of the Constitution of the United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association. Note that the official constitution can be found here and is the source of truth.
United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association Constitution
I Name
The name of the Association shall be the United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.
II Objects
The objects of the Association shall be:
- The advancement of the amateur sport of Practical Shooting and Dynamic Marksmanship for the public benefit by:
- promoting public participation, practice and development in the sport; and
- the provision of instruction in the sport, including in the safe use of firearms.
- To encourage skill in Practical Shooting by providing instruction and practice in the use of firearms amongst Her Majesty’s subjects so that they will be better fitted to serve their country in the Armed Forces, Armed Forces Reserve or any other organisation in which their services may be required in the defence of the realm.
III Membership
Membership of the Association shall be open to persons or bodies interested in furthering the objects of the Association or participating in its organisation but no person or body shall be a member unless his or her or its membership has been accepted by the Council who shall have an absolute discretion not to accept any person or body as a member without giving any reason therefor.
The Council shall have the right, for good and sufficient reason, to terminate the membership of any individual or organisation and may by resolution communicated to any member in writing and stating the grounds for which it proposes to act call upon that member to resign from the Association. The member in question shall have the right to attend and be heard by the Council before a final decision is made. If the member does not attend and will not resign within forty-eight days after being so called upon, the Council may by resolution terminate the membership.
- Categories
Individual Membership may be Annual, Life, Benefactor, Patron or Endowment together with any other category determined by Council. - Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership may be granted to a person at the discretion of Council.
IV Subscriptions
- Life Memberships
The fees for Life, Benefactor, Patron and Endowment Memberships shall be determined by Council. - Other Memberships
There shall be an annual subscription, due on 1 April of each year, of such a sum as shall be determined by Council for the particular year next ensuing upon proper notice of a proposed variation from the previous year. Any member or affiliated organisation whose subscription shall not have been paid by 31 May for that year will automatically forfeit membership or affiliation and shall only be re-admitted to membership or affiliation on terms which shall be at the discretion of Council. Every member or affiliated organisation shall receive the Association's official receipt, which may also act as evidence of membership or affiliation.
V Annual General Meeting
The Annual Meeting of Members shall be held at the National Meeting or at such time and place as may be fixed by Council.
The Secretary shall submit Council's report and the Treasurer shall read the audited balance sheet.
- Quorum
The General Meeting shall transact no business unless a quorum be present. The presence of fifty members, or ten percent of the current membership, whichever may be the lesser, shall constitute a quorum. - No Quorum
If within half an hour after the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the next convenient date, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, those members present shall constitute a quorum. - Elections
The Meeting shall elect:- The Chairman, the Director, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Public Relations Officer and one Auditor.
VI Extraordinary General Meeting
The Secretary shall, upon the written request of at least ten percent of the elected membership of the Association, call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association and shall give at least twenty-one days notice of same. The Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be circulated with the notice and no subjects other than those thereon shall be discussed.
VII Amendment of the Constitution
Amendment of the Constitution may be made either at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Suggested amendments which are to be submitted to an Annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to the Secretary in writing sixty days prior to such meeting. Amendment by means of Extraordinary General Meeting shall be conducted according to the provisions of Article VI. In order to be carried, a proposal for amendment must be agreed by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting provided that no amendment shall be made to Article II, Article XXIII or this article, and no amendment shall be made the effect of which would cause the Association to cease to be a Charity in law.
VIII Officers
The Officers of the Association shall comprise: a President, Vice-Presidents, a Chairman, a Director, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Public Relations Officer, Regional Organisers and their Deputies.
XI Duties of Officers
- Chairman
The Chairman shall chair General Meetings and Meetings of Council. He shall strive to enhance the harmony and efficiency of the Association. - Director
The Director shall be responsible for the activities of the Association at a national level, maintaining regular contact with the headquarters of the International Practical Shooting Confederation. He shall keep the other officers of the Association informed of activities of the Association and of the Confederation throughout the world and shall, in the course of his duties submit a report, agreed by Council, at the Annual General Meeting. He shall, in conjunction with the Secretary, co-ordinate the activities of each region and deal with all Association correspondence either himself or by passing it to the Secretary, a Regional Organiser or other member of Council as appropriate. - Secretary
The Secretary shall keep a complete record of the proceedings of the Association and shall assist the Director as required. - Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep a faithful record of all monies used by the Association and present an audited statement at the Annual General Meeting. - Public Relations Officer
The Public Relations Officer shall advise on matters concerning public relations, press relations, publicity and communications and shall perform such duties as Council may request. - Regional Organisers
Regional Organisers shall be responsible for the efficient organisation and administration of their respective regions and for all shooting matters appropriate thereto.
X Chairman's Vote
The Chairman may vote only in case of a tie, in which case he has a casting vote.
XI Council
The Management of the Association shall be controlled by a Council which shall consist of: the Chairman, the Director, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Public Relations Officer and the Regional Organisers or their nominees.
- Ex-Officio Members
The President and Vice-Presidents of the Association; Chairmen, or their delegates, of the Association's Executive Commissions; and delegates of the Association to the councils of other organisations, shall be members ex-officio of Council, with vote, save that no person may, by virtue of dual or multiple offices, cast more than one vote. - Co-option.
Council is empowered to co-opt members, voting or non-voting, as it may deem desirable. - Meetings
Council shall meet as often as is deemed necessary and as required by Article XII. It shall report to the membership at the Annual General Meeting. - Quorum
Council shall transact no business unless a quorum be present. The presence of five voting members shall constitute a quorum, except as otherwise stipulated. - No Quorum
If within half an hour after the time appointed, for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the next convenient date and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, those members present shall constitute a quorum. - Absence
Any member of Council, except ex-officio members, who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without reasonable explanation shall be deemed to have retired and shall be notified accordingly. - Vacancies
Any vacancies occurring on Council shall be filled by Council. - Committees and Commissions
Council may create such committees or commissions as it may deem desirable, under such terms of reference and with such powers, duties, responsibilities and obligations as it may determine. It shall in all cases be the responsibility of the chairman of each committee or commission to ensure that Council is kept fully and currently informed on the activities of his commission or committee.
XII Council Meetings