The Ladies Development Project held our second training session and North Cotes Butts on Sunday 9th October. Eight ladies took part in a mix of classroom and practical shotgun training led by Mike Siva-Jothy. In the classroom we covered managing anxiety, compartmentalisation, shouldering and patterning for no-shoots. While on the range we ran some ‘woman...
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Inter regional Training for Handgun, PCC and Rifle.
It is with great delight that we are able to announce that the UKPSA now has inter regional agreements for members to be able to train and take safety courses in those firearms restricted to us in Britain. We now have three regions where we have the chance of taking safety courses and training in...
Shooting Academy Rifle 2022 – IPSC LIII
From the Lithuanian RD: It is my pleasure to invite you and shooters from your country to participate in IPSC Rifle Level III Match ” SHOOTING ACADEMY RIFLE 2022″. Match Date: April 30 – May 1, 2022 Shooting Range “Šūvio Akademija”, Vilnius, Lithuania Main-Match duration 2 days, 16 stages, 280 rounds Starting fee – 100...
NROI Update – December 2021
Random Shots – latest news Well the last shot has been fired at a UKPSA match, and the 2021 competition season is officially over (except of course for the excellent postal league). Despite Covid-19, UKPSA clubs and NROI members have stepped up magnificently and overcome all the challenges to successfully deliver 14 national and international...