Author: jayne lawley morris

Home / jayne lawley morris
New Match Director’s Handbook – the UKPSA guide to hosting IPSC competitions 

New Match Director’s Handbook – the UKPSA guide to hosting IPSC competitions 

The UKPSA have issued a new Match Director’s Handbook (MDH) which replaces the 2021 version with immediate effect. This Handbook provides members and clubs with all the information they need to host a UKPSA/IPSC registered or sanctioned competition.  The new MDH can be found on the UKPSA website under ‘Officials’ and then ‘Match Official Documents’ or alternatively...


Update from the Treasurer

Six months into my first year as Treasurer and finally all the handover activities have finished. Anybody who has been involved in running a club will know how painful it is to get the Banks to transfer authorities. The Association has been busy this year and there have been a lot of finance decisions and...

Membership Renewal Window Opens on March 1st

Membership Renewal Window Opens on March 1st

The membership renewal window opens on March 1st, 2024.  Those who pay by direct debit need take no action to renew, as the system will automatically take your renewal amount. All non direct debit renewals should be done through the Membership system.  If you do not see the type of membership you are expecting or need...


Lady Practical Shooter Group

Welcome the latest update on what we are doing as lady practical shooters with support from the UKPSA. A huge thank you to the clubs and individuals who have offered time, range space and expertise to make these activities happen.  Buddy Matches The Lady Practical Shooters UK Group is pleased to announce that we will...

Ladies Initiative January Update

Ladies Initiative January Update

Happy New Year everyone, we hope 2023 will bring lots more ladies into practical shooting. Events: We have quite a few days on the calendar already, some events ladies can bring their man along or our male shooters can bring their ladies to try out practical shooting and have a day’s shooting themselves. 18th February:...


Ladies development project update

On Sunday November 13th, 8 ladies (including 3 juniors) attended a shotgun training day hosted by Basildon Rifle and Pistol Club. Our Instructors Neil Beverly and Gary Dyer, took us through exercises on managing recoil, using recoil and body tension to aid not hinder, and shooting with our eyes shut. There was also a classroom...

Ladies Development Project Update

Ladies Development Project Update

The Ladies Development Project held our second training session and North Cotes Butts on Sunday 9th October.  Eight ladies took part in a mix of classroom and practical shotgun training led by Mike Siva-Jothy. In the classroom we covered managing anxiety, compartmentalisation, shouldering and patterning for no-shoots. While on the range we ran some ‘woman...

Ladies Development Project – Training Update

Ladies Development Project – Training Update

The Ladies Development Project held our first training day over the weekend. 3 ladies took part in the Saturday training with 2 of them shooting the level 1 Action Air match on the Sunday. Our thanks to our hosts, Carlisle Small Arms Club and all those who gave us their time, equipment, and facilities to...


Development of Lady shooters

The UKPSA is sponsoring a project to develop female shooting within the organisation, which aims to increase the number of UKPSA female members increase the number of lady competitors improve the standard of female shooting increase the number of female officials All female UKPSA members are invited to join monthly online seminars discussing rules, tactics,...