Author: alex moreton

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July NROI Chairman Update

July NROI Chairman Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Random Shots – latest news Congratulations to those who braved the hot weather and occasional light showers (who would have guessed!) to enjoy an outstanding 14 stages at the Scottish Shotgun Championship. Certainly, a massive difference to last year when the ‘Beast from the East’ made it very much an endurance event for all...

Eley Sponsorship

Eley Sponsorship

The UKPSA is pleased to announce that leading .22LR ammunition manufacturer ELEY has signed up to be a shirt sponsor for the 2019 European Handgun Championships. The Championships, which will be returning to Serbian capital Belgrade in September, will provide ELEY with the opportunity to connect with IPSC competitors from all backgrounds.   Not only...

Handgun News Flash

Handgun News Flash

AWESOME HANDGUN NEWS! The UKPSA have agreed a deal with NITSA Ranges in Northern Ireland and have acquired five handguns for the exclusive use of any and all UKPSA members! These guns will be kept on the NITSA Club licence and so can be legally used for training, competitions and for you to undertake your...

New Team Shirts!

New Team Shirts!

The new team shirts for the European Handgun Championships on the 9th to 13th September in Belgrade Serbian and the European Rifle Championships on the 3rd to 10th August in Karlskoga Sweden have been approved and are due for imminent release!   Sheild Sights, Eley & Firing Solutions sponsored EHC Team shirt: Beechwood Sports, Magload...

NROI Shotgun Rule Interpretations

NROI Shotgun Rule Interpretations

Check your shotgun division – before the first championship match! There has been a lot of firearm innovation in recent times. This is great to see and is what drives our sport forward, but any changes still need to comply with the divisions in the IPSC rules. The UKPSA National Range Officers Institute wanted to...



Become a qualified UKPSA Range Officer and join the ‘Red Shirts’ of the UKPSA National Range Officers Institute. On our UKPSA/IROA Level 1 seminar you will gain an in-depth knowledge of the sport and of the IPSC rules across all the major disciplines. This is followed by a number of supervised matches where you get...

How to get into IPSC Handgun Shooting with the UKPSA

How to get into IPSC Handgun Shooting with the UKPSA

Article by Clive Gamlin – UKPSA Handgun Representative I decided last year that I wanted to shoot more Handgun. However, it’s a bit of a problem in the UK as Full-Bore Handguns were banned from Civilian use back in 1997. Currently, all you can shoot on the mainland under a Section 1 Firearms licence are...

Trijicon & Beechwood Sponsor RWS2019 Squad

Trijicon & Beechwood Sponsor RWS2019 Squad

The UKPSA are very pleased to announce that they will be partnering with Trijicon and Beechwood Sport for a 3-year sponsorship focusing on the upcoming IPSC Rifle World Shoot later this August in Sweden. We are very excited to be partnering with Trijicon and look forward to using their great optics, which are ideal for the...