Order your new UKPSA match shirt now and you can personalise it with your name! UKPSA match shirts and mid-layers have been designed specifically for shooting sports, made from a breathable, yet hard wearing lycra compound, with a short zipped collar so it does not interfere with your gun mount, tight-fitting so it won’t get...
Author: alex moreton
World Shoots – Handgun 2020 & Shotgun 2021
Handgun 2020 – Thailand We have been allocated 15 places at the World Handgun shoot 2020 in Thailand. If you would like to be considered for a place email handgun@ukpsa.org with details of the Handgun/LBF/Action Air matches you have competed in over the last 12 months, reasons why you should be considered, your plans for...
IPSC Olympic Observer Status
The GAISF have granted Olympic Observer Status to the IPSC! The announcement came late last year, this is what they say on their website: The International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and the International Rafting Federation (IRF) were officially granted observer status by the GAISF Council when it convened earlier this week. Meeting ahead of the...
A welcome in the hillside.
From the UKPSA Wale Regional Rep. I left home at 07:00 on a cold and wet Sunday morning in early December to attend my first PSG club match at Pro-Shoot’s new range less than 5 miles north of Caerphilly which up to now was mostly famous for its cheese and castle. Fig. 1 The range...
British Masters 2019 Match Report
As ever with any match no matter how big or small there are only a few who are willing to step up and give their time and effort to build and run it. Last year at HTRPC we paid for the match to be built which was a godsend to those who normally slave away...
World Handgun Shoot 2020
If you want to be considered for the World Handgun Shoot in Thailand next November listen in! In order to be considered you have to earn 12 points between April 2019 and April 2020. You earn one point for each IPSC sanctioned Handgun, Action Air or LBF competition you successfully complete or have completed during...
Target Shooting Show 2019
The UKPSA is very pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting the Target Shooting Show 2019, being held at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire on the 16th & 17th November. This will be a great opportunity to meet some of the guys who shoot at both National and International matches, shoot other disciplines and ask any...
European Handgun Championship, Level 4 Squad announcement
The UKPSA would like to congratulate the squad and the team for the 2019 European Handgun Championship, to be held in Belgrade, Serbia. We have had some great support and would like to thank our sponsors for the Handgun Squad: Shield Sights, who have provided amazing support and equipment. Eley ammunition, Firing Solutions and 5.11...