We have been made aware by the MET Police that criminals have targeted firearms owners advertising legal items for sale on websites such as Gunstar. They recently had the following situation arise: “On Saturday 5th September 2020 a licenced FAC holder advertised a gun for sale on Gun Star, one of the well-known sites for...
Author: alex moreton
BRITISH MASTERS NOW ON THE 25TH, 26 AND 27TH SEPTEMBER. Due to the range owners deciding to run a clay match the same weekend as the British Masters was planned to be held we are having to move the date from the 5th and 6th of September to the 25th, 26, and 27th of September....
Charity Commission Update
The Amateur Sport of Practical Shooting and Dynamic Marksmanship Following on from the positive membership vote, by our members, at the AGM in January this year, the UKPSA council have some very good news! The Charity Commission has approved the request to vary the charitable objects of the association to include the advancement of amateur...
Charity Commission Update
This is an update on the new charitable objects which were proposed and accepted at our AGM. Subsequent to that meeting, we are pleased to tell you that the Charity Commission have accepted the new objects, albeit they have combined education into sport so we have a single additional object. Because we have to change...
World Shoots Postponed
The 2020 Handgun, 2021 Shotgun, Action Air 2021 and 2021 PCC World shoots have all been postponed by a year. Read the official message from the IPSC President here: Official message from the IPSC President, April 21
2020 Indoor Action Air Tournament
Welcome to the UKPSA 2020 Indoor Action Air Tournament This is a series of level 1 matches designed to be shot at home while you are self-isolating. These matches are shot to the full IPSC Action Air rules with the following amendments: All stages use the IPSC Mini Rifle Micro Target and the same target...
COVID 19 Coronavirus Update
Today, we heard the Prime Minister in his first daily update on the Coronavirus, outlining a number of recommendations regarding how we should respond to it. The BBC’s summary is this: Everyone in the UK is now being advised to avoid “non-essential” contact with others and “unnecessary” travel People are also being asked to work from home...
UKPSA Fabulous February
The month of February saw a unique series of matches promoting two practical disciplines – Pistol Calibre Carbine (PCC) and Long Barrelled Revolver (LBR). The promotion aimed to get shooters participation with these firearms. There is a noticeable under-representation of the two disciplines in practical shoots. At the same time the UKPSA adopted the IPSC...
UKPSA Summer Postal Leagues 2020
The UKPSA Postal Leagues are freely available for all shooters and all clubs, time to get your club mates involved in dynamic shooting. You do not have to be a UKPSA member to participate, nor does a club have to be affiliated. Most practical disciplines are included. New for this year is Mini Rifle as...
Mini Rifle & PCC World Shoot Information
The joint Mini Rifle and PCC world shoot was announced at the General Assembly in Serbia last year, the competition is to be held in Frostproof, Florida, whilst this has been announced, there has been speculation on the barrel length requirements based on US federal laws. There was due to be a meeting at IWA...