The Summer Postal Leagues are here. We may not have thrown off winter just yet, but the 1st March heralds the start of the UKPSA Summer Postal Leagues. It’s time to incorporate the stages into your club shoots and introduce your members to the fun of practical shooting. The Postal Leagues cover all the...
Author: alex moreton
Shooting Academy Rifle 2022 – IPSC LIII
From the Lithuanian RD: It is my pleasure to invite you and shooters from your country to participate in IPSC Rifle Level III Match ” SHOOTING ACADEMY RIFLE 2022″. Match Date: April 30 – May 1, 2022 Shooting Range “Šūvio Akademija”, Vilnius, Lithuania Main-Match duration 2 days, 16 stages, 280 rounds Starting fee – 100...
Winter Postal Leagues 2021
The UKPSA Winter Postal Leagues run from the 1st of November until the end of February 2022. The Leagues cover the disciplines of Action Air, LBP, LBR, Mini Rifle, PCC and Shotgun. As always these competitions are open to all shooters and completely free to enter. The stages of the Winter Leagues are based on...
eDVC VOL.2 2021 September
The latest eDVC can be viewed via this link: eDVC September 2021 A Call to Action Please be sure to fill in the survey linked in the document and below so that we can put our best arguments forward!
Practiscore Seminar
Want to learn how to set up and use Practiscore for IPSC matches? Experienced Match Director and NROI Chief Range Officer, Vanessa Duffy is leading another of her excellent online seminars about how to use the Practiscore app for the scoring of everything from a club match to a UKPSA championship. The seminar which lasts about...
Pan American Handgun Championship 2021
The UKPSA has 14 spaces for the Pan American Handgun Championship 2021, if you are interested in going please contact the Handgun rep via before the 25th of February to reserve your slot! Match Details Date: September 16-20, 2021 Venue: The Universal Shooting Academy in Frostproof, Florida Entry Cost $395 Level 4 Handgun match
MARS & Lever Release – MET Police
*** Message from the Metropolitan Police*** The surrender for the Offensive Weapons Act has now started and runs until 9th March 2021. During this time you can surrender the firearms prohibited by this Act, bump stocks and certain ancillary equipment. During this period the Home Office will compensate you for the items surrendered...
Magazine capacity in LBP Standard Division
We are currently running a poll in the UKPSA Facebook group so people can give their views on if the magazine capacity in LBP standard division should be 10 or 15 rounds. You can cast your vote here: If you are unable to vote on Facebook please email with your choice of either...
Covid 19 Pandemic Update – No Change
Many of you will have seen the news over the last couple of days regarding the new restrictions that are being imposed on “Social gatherings” The good news is that this has not affected our sport. I would refer you to the previous guidance released by the UKPSA for information on how to run organised...