Mini Rifle World Shoot Slots

Mini Rifle World Shoot 2025

We currently have two mini rifle slots available for the Mini Rifle World Shoot 2025.

I would like to invite those who wish to be considered for the two slots to send me an expression of interest ( 

To ensure fairness to those already selected for the National Squad, the same criteria will be applied to those who apply for these two slots, here is the published criteria:

You will need to include in your expression of interest a list of all the 2022, 2023 and 2024 (UKPSA level 2 and IPSC sanctioned level 3 mini rifle matches, UK or other Regions) that you have competed in. Non UKPSA / IPSC matches will not be considered. This keeps the selection data the same as that applied to the current squad. 

There is a baseline of 70% (men) and 60% (women) on the selection criteria data-set (i.e. the match data for all those selected or interested in the MRWS.

The closing date for the expression of interests is Thursday 6th February. The reason for this is there is a cut-off date for the UKPSA to seek a refund on the slots already paid for. 

As well as meeting the criteria, successful applicants will need to agree to a contract and code of conduct and pay for the individual slot (circa £500 depending on the exchange rate) by the 10th February.

This is a tight deadline.

Lee Hopgood

Mini Rifle National Squad Director


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