At the AGM last January, members urged Council to stop hoarding funds and start investing in our sport.
We’ve taken that to heart! So far this year we have distributed £22,500 in Match Grants (to support the running of Matches) and £42,653 in Club Development Grants (to improve range facilities). That is a whopping £65,153 invested in affiliated clubs for the benefit of the membership.
Plus we have;
- Invested almost £30,000 in NROI courses and Safety training
- Increased the payments made to Range Crew at matches
- Provided you with the best insurance of any National Governing Body
Most of this has been done within this year’s income, but we have accessed £20,000 from our reserves to keep our liquidity sound.
Where have these funds been distributed?
On the Match Grant front, last year’s Council decided to put aside £25,000 for matches in 2024.
So far, we have awarded;
- Basildon, North Cotes Butts and Recoil Scotland £2,500 each for running Level 3 matches
- Ham & Petersham, Sterling, Phoenix, Headley Park, and XPSC £1,000 each for running Level 2 matches
- Mercia PSC, KFC, Derwent Valley, Derby, ProShoot and Worcester Norton £500 each for Level 1’s.
Originally the rule was you could only apply for one grant per club per year unless we had funds left over at the end of that year, consequently some clubs may also receive extra grants for additional matches they have already put on this year unless any new clubs apply before 31st December!
On the development grant side we have provided matched funding for the following;
- Derwent Valley Gun Club towards their new range build, targets and backstops
- KFC to help buy targets, barricades and ground works for their new bay range
- XPSC for ground works improving access and all-weather facilities
- Pro Shoot to build covered areas on their new range bays and buy materials to build new props for matches
- Humberside Dynamic Shooting Club towards constructions of bays, infrastructure and access.
We will be working on budgets for the 2025 season soon so if your club needs any financial help and encouragement to run UKPSA matches next year, tell them to get in touch with me at
Have a Merry Christmas from all your Council
Gareth Cooper
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