The Latter Part of the year has seen a flurry of Action Air Competitions throughout the country. In May, Striker put on a great level 1 AA match in Southampton. The community centre they shoot in is not huge, but the team led my Marianne and Clive use the space well and presented a hugely enjoyable match, with a great lunch included.
In October FDPC led by Robin put on their first Level 2 Action Air Match which was a great success building on previous matches they have run. The Plank will bring back shudders to many that shot the competition. Well done Robin and your team, the step up to running graded matches is a steep learning curve, but it’s very much appreciated by the competitors.
To Finish the Action Air planned competitions for 2024 XPSC ran a level 2 in November in High Wycombe. Although tight on space at the club, a grant from the UKPSA to improve the ground at the rear of the range has opened up the possibilities for more stages. The 9 stages were less cramped than previous competitions due to this and the success of the space and it’s use will lead to more graded matches at the club in the coming years. The ground works are not quite finished, a finer surface will be applied in the spring in time for more use, allowing any settlement of the ground over the winter. Without the UKPSA’s help, this would not have been possible and it’s a positive way the UKPSA is contributing towards supporting clubs across the UK.
The calendar for 2025 is starting to fill quite quickly, especially with the action Air World shoot at the end of July so any clubs planning on competitions please sort dates asap. Help is available, as is kit for running competitions, so even if you are dipping your toes in the water and thinking of running your first competition, give the UKPSA a shout as the help is there
Looking forward to a full calendar and a great 2025
Action Air News 2024

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