Action Air World Shoot 2025 Update

Action Air World Shoot 2025 Update

There has been little information from the IPSC regarding the up coming AAWS in 2025.

We do know it’s in the Philippines, in Iloilo city roughly the end of July/beginning August. As far as we know the main match will be shot over 5 days, 6 stages a day (morning or afternoon) with kit check etc opening ceremony the day before. The Venue is indoor, and air conditioned.

We also don’t have an idea yet on slot availability. We suspect there will not be a problem sending shooters that want to shoot and will have suitable slots, but thats not guaranteed. The rest of the AA shooting community is gearing up for it, so we need to do the same or get left behind.

If you would like to shoot the match, please register your interest by replying to We will need name, division you wish to shoot and any category you fall into.

If we are limited on numbers, slots will be strictly allocated on a performance basis. Stats from the last 2 years at graded matches show which are our best performing competitors and these will get first refusal for places. Teams will be formed based on performance. The selection criteria will not stop until we leave for the world shoot. If there are any up and coming AA shooters that perform better than anybody else closer to the day we leave, this will be taken into consideration.

We have training opportunities between now and the WS, these will be published once we have a clearer idea of squad numbers and the demographics involved.

A world shoot should be the absolute pinnacle of any practical discipline and a rare opportunity. If you are able to attend, the experience is next to none. The first AA in HK was the absolute best match our team had been to, so the Philippines  have a high standard to live up to.