Ladies Development Project Update

Ladies Development Project Update

The Ladies Development Project held our second training session and North Cotes Butts on Sunday 9th October.  Eight ladies took part in a mix of classroom and practical shotgun training led by Mike Siva-Jothy. In the classroom we covered managing anxiety, compartmentalisation, shouldering and patterning for no-shoots. While on the range we ran some ‘woman on woman’ shoots, looked at stage planning and practiced missing no shoots.  We were pleased to welcome 2 local lady clay shooters for their first taste of ‘practical’ shotgun.

Our thanks to North Cotes Butts for hosting the day and Mike Siva-Jothy for his time and preparation in delivering the training.

Many of those attending the UKPSA sponsored training also took the chance to get some static slug and birdshot practice at the NTSA competition held at North Cotes Butts on Saturday. It was great to see nearly a third of the competitors at that event were ladies.

Our final training session of the year will be Shotgun again, 13/11/2022      @ Basildon Rifle & Pistol Club with Neil Beverley  If you are intending to come, please book as current numbers are too low to make it feasible

The first training date for 2023 is now confirmed at Worcester Norton on Saturday February 18th.  The plan is for a whole day training for both Shotgun and Mini Rifle. We will be running a poll on the Lady Practical Shooter UK Facebook group to agree the format – half day each shotgun/ mini rifle or whole day training alongside each other.  Please let us know what you would prefer.

Training is open to all Ladies; equipment will be available and where appropriate attendees will be split between beginners and a master class.

We have two more seminars this year

Tuesday 1st November at 8pm – Martyn Spence, International Range Master.

Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 306 929 7992: Passcode: 1JsS4T

Martyn will be discussing

  • The role of a range officer.
  • Scoring after you shot a stage.
  • Questioning RO decisions.
  • Arbitration, Calibration and Chronograph.

The session is intended to remove the mystery when interacting with range officials at IPSC matches. Let’s face it, we cannot run the sport without them, and they dedicate a lot of time to their craft. They are really a friendly bunch and working with them can be to your advantage and will increase your enjoyment of the sport.

Tuesday 6th December at 8pm – Andy Duffy, Southern Scottish Ambassador on Ammunition

Any feedback or questions, please contact