Pan American handgun level 4 Championship

Pan American handgun level 4 Championship


The Pan American handgun level 4 Championship in Frost Proof, Florida is now over and the plucky Brits who attended are now wending their merry way home. That is once they have dried out as whilst we assume it’s always very hot in Florida there is always the fact that with excessive heat comes excessive rain. Which is what occurred hence the videos posted online showing a rather wet range with a lot of shooters with very wet feet. No one mentioned trench foot so fingers, or perhaps that should be toes, crossed.


But whilst the Florida weather and British laws may rail against shooting handguns the UKPSA members who attended the match certainly showed that they can hold their heads high.

What it does show is that what UKPSA members attending practice sessions in NITSA can do, no one embarrassed themselves with all putting on an excellent performance.

For results go to and feel envious of those who managed to go.

If you want to experience handgun shooting then as a UKPSA member if you have a short gun competition licence you can take a conversion to full bore at NITSA. Contact the Handgun Secretary Justin Cooper via for more information.


Gary Dyer
UKPSA Public Relations Officer