MARS & Lever Release – MET Police

MARS & Lever Release – MET Police

*** Message from the Metropolitan Police***


The surrender for the Offensive Weapons Act has now started and runs until 9th March 2021. During this time you can surrender the firearms prohibited by this Act, bump stocks and certain ancillary equipment.


During this period the Home Office will compensate you for the items surrendered provided that you owned or contracted to acquire the firearm on or before 20 June 2018, with entitlement to have that firearm in your possession by virtue of a firearm certificate held by you or by virtue of being a registered firearms dealer.


Following this period possession of the firearms and items defined within the Act will be a criminal offence.


If you live within the Metropolitan Police District the Firearms Enquiry Team will make contact with you to arrange an appointment to collect your items. Please do not bring these firearms, bumps stocks or ancillary items to any Police Station.


If you are in possession of these firearms and have not heard from us by 5th January please make contact either via email or via the web portal at


In order to claim compensation for your item(s), you will first need to download, or request from the Home Office, and complete the Offensive Weapons Act Surrender and Compensation Scheme Claim Form.


This must be fully completed and submitted to us at the time you surrender your items.


For further guidance and full details please see


Chris Downs – Metropolitan Police Firearms Licensing Manager