NROI Update – October 2020

NROI Update – October 2020

Random Shots – latest news

Well the nights are drawing in and the trees are losing their leaves so it must be autumn. Now of course should be the time when indoor matches would really come into their own after a great summer of competitions but not of course in 2019 with covid-19 still dominating life across country. Despite the challenges the hardy border folks are still aiming to put on a cracking action air match at Carlisle and covid-willing we all look forward to 2021 with renewed vigour, rested and ready for an epic season of IPSC shooting.

As I write the British Masters has been delivered by NROI members at Dartford and feedback from all who attended suggests everyone had a brilliant weekend of covid-safe top level IPSC shotgun. I want to particularly thank the match officials working in some challenging conditions while wearing PPE. Great job guys and gals!

Subject to that pesky virus we still have the Action Air match on 17th/18th October at Carlisle. I will certainly look forward to seeing some old friends on the Friday when I will be helping get the range crew through the pre-match.

Lessons from the line

Amended UKPSA Covid-19 Guidance

The UKPSA has amended the guidance for clubs and members following changes to UK government legislation. The good news is that we can continue to shoot but will need to review how we work and run our ranges to keep our members safe and comply with the covid-19 regulations as they change. You can find a copy of the latest UKPSA guidance here.

 Unloading rimfire LBPs – use the full range command

Following feedback from the Worcester Norton match, the NROI committee discussed the interpretation of the LBP amendments to the IPSC Handgun rules and especially the unload command at their September meeting. They confirmed the following for use by all match officials at UKPSA matches.

The full range command must be given on all occasions for the unload as detailed in rule. 8.3.7 i.e.

If Clear, Hammer Down or Secure Chamber, Holster”.

It is then up to the competitor to complete one of the following  required actions in in

  1. Drop the hammer using the trigger and without manually lowering or interfering with the hammer in its process. Then holster. The final safety check is achieved by the firing pin hitting the empty chamber or the round if this has been left in the chamber.
  2. Insert a chamber safety flag, close the slide, and lower the hammer if possible, using any method. If the hammer cannot be lowered because of a disconnector it can stay cocked. Then holster. The chamber safety flag must remain inserted. The safety flag can of course be removed in the safety area or when the command is given the to load and make ready/make ready at the next stage.

Under no circumstances may the competitor lower the hammer under control of their thumb during the unload unless a safety chamber flag is inserted first and remains in the chamber. The alternative is of course to drop the hammer as normal by pulling the trigger as the final safety check. This way if the competitor completes one of the required processes to demonstrate their handgun is unloaded then they have complied with

IPSC Rule Interpretations – Issued in August 2020

These interpretations were issued in compliance with Section 11.8 of the IPSC Competition Rules and are subject to ratification or modification at the next IPSC Assembly in 2021.

IPSC Handgun Competition Rules, January 2019 Edition

In respect of:

Appendix D2 Standard Division, Special condition 17 and Appendix D3 Classic Division, Special condition 20. The concession for 357SIG is extended until 31 December 2021.

Appendix D4a Production Optics Division, Special condition 20 and Appendix D4b Production Optics Light Division, Special condition 21. The expiration date is extended until 31 December 2021.

IPSC Combined Competition Rules, January 2019 Edition

In respect of:

Appendix D2 Handgun Standard Division, Special condition 17 and Appendix D3 Handgun Classic Division, Special condition 20. The concession for 357SIG is extended until 31 December 2021.

In respect of:

Appendix D4a Handgun Production Optics Division, Special condition 20 and Appendix D4b Handgun Production Optics Light Division, Special condition 21. The expiration date is extended until 31 December 2021.

Grand Tournament Rules, January 2012 Edition

In respect of:

Rule 1.4 Pistol Caliber Carbine may be one of the component matches in recognized IPSC Grand Tournaments.

Appendix A2 Pistol Caliber Carbine Division will form part of Grand Tournament Open Division.

Developing your Institute

 Work of NROI committee members

The NROI Chair and wider committee have remained busy throughout 2020 supporting the development of UKPSA strategy, drafting (and re-drafting!) covid-19 guidance, and working with IROA and IPSC to support the development of the global sport.

Work delivered by committee members includes the drafting of new manuals for IROA, leading or participating in IPSC rule committees and the development of a new tool to help match directors plan their IPSC events and submit rule compliant matches for course review.

Delivery of IROA/NROI Seminars

Covid-19 has meant we haven’t been able to deliver our usual series of seminars for potential NROI members and for existing match officials who would like to improve their knowledge and looking for promotion to CRO or RM. So we are now actively looking at taking a lot of our training online which has the added advantage of improving access to training and reducing costs for those attending. More on this soon!