Charity Commission Update

Charity Commission Update

This is an update on the new charitable objects which were proposed and accepted at our AGM.  Subsequent to that meeting, we are pleased to tell you that the Charity Commission have accepted the new objects, albeit they have combined education into sport so we have a single additional object.  Because we have to change the charitable objects in our constitution with the agreement of the Commission through a legal document known as a Scheme, it is standard practice to publish the scheme in advance of final adoption for any comments or representations, please find it linked here.

Form of notice
Charity Commission
Charity: United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association – 277566
The Commission proposes to make a Scheme (a legal document) for this charity. The Scheme will add an additional object/purpose. A copy of the Scheme can be seen at (If you cannot access this please call our contact centre on 0300 066 9197)
Comments or representations on these proposals can be made to the Commission within one month from 27/5/20 by completing the form on the Charity Commission website. Please quote DH – 277566 – C-518940.