UKPSA Fabulous February

UKPSA Fabulous February

The month of February saw a unique series of matches promoting two practical disciplines – Pistol Calibre Carbine (PCC) and Long Barrelled Revolver (LBR).

The promotion aimed to get shooters participation with these firearms. There is a noticeable under-representation of the two disciplines in practical shoots. At the same time the UKPSA adopted the IPSC discipline of PCC, albeit with the introduction of local rules to allow all pistol calibres above 9mm.

A number of clubs offered to run Open Level 1 Matches and most ran the stages that made up the Fabulous February Competition.  Like the UKPSA Postal Leagues, the simple stages were replicated across the various venues, scores obtained and entered into the Scoring Programme. The clubs were Carlisle Small Arms, Bedford County and Frome & District. In addition Birmingham Shooting Centre ran a large match in early February.

The winners of the Competitions are:

PCC – Mike Harvey of FDPC

LBR Standard – James Pearman BCRPC

LBR Open – Melvyn Redford BCRPC


Well done to all the competitors and a big thanks to those clubs who supported Fabulous February. This could become an annual event to kick start the new Practical year.


Additional Report for UKPSA Council.

The total numbers in the Fab Feb competition are

PCC – 28

LBR Open – 10

LBR Standard – 6


The following clubs ran events, Carlisle, Frome and Worcester Norton. Little Chalfont had to step down as Rob Adam was unwell.

In addition Birmingham Shooting Centre ran their own competition which attracted 28 competitors.


I think there is some worth in focusing in on those disciplines which are really the poor cousins in UKPSA shooting. Maybe we can persuade more clubs to participate.

I am thinking we could do something similar in the Autumn with Action Air.

It would be nice to attract some sponsorship so that we can offer prizes to the winners.


I welcome your thoughts on this promotion.


Vanessa Duffy

UKPSA Vice President