Out of Region – RD Sign Off Request

Please complete this form to request Regional Director sign off to compete or officiate in any Level 2 or above IPSC match outside of Great Britain. 

 IPSC Rule – Match organizers must not accept any competitor or Match Official from another Region unless the Regional Director of that Region has confirmed the competitor’s or Match Official’s eligibility to participate in the subject match, and that the competitor of Match Official is not under sanction from IPSC Executive Council.  

The minimum requirement for RD sign off for an out of region L2+ match is;

1. Be a current member of the UKPSA

2. Hold a current Competition Licence for requisite IPSC discipline 

3. Be in ‘good standing’ i.e. membership fees paid & no outstanding disciplinary action

4. As Great Britain no longer has the European Firearms Permit, please make sure you have ALL the necessary permit/s or paperwork for each country you are travelling to or transiting.

Please note – If you meet the above criteria and you have completed this form you are then clear to register for your match. You do not need to do anything more, nor wait for approval to proceed.

Any queries regarding the above criteria and/or your eligibility, please email RD@UKPSA.org 

UKPSA Competition License(s) held

Most Recent UKPSA Match

NB: A recognised match is any IPSC Level 2 or above match held in GB region, or other IPSC region. Participation in UKPSA Postal Leagues may also be used to maintain competition licence currency if results are formally submitted.
Discipline that was Shot *

Out Of Region Match

The out of region match of which you are requesting sign off for. Please provide the full name and a date if the name is reused each year.
Discipline you are Shooting *
Will you be officiating at this match?